How to delete contacts

😵 Need to delete someone from your Audience page? Find out how below 👇

If a contact needs to be removed from your Audience page, you can delete them in a few swift steps.

  1. Click on the contact(s) that need deleting
  2. Click Delete permanently.
  3. Voila – your contact will now be deleted from your Audience page.

📌 Please note that if you delete a contact that has been collected through a Competition, they will also be removed from the list of potential winners, and therefore will redact their entry to the Competition.

💸 If you delete a contact that has been collected through a Pay Link, they will disappear from your Audience page, however their details will still remain in your sales csv.

See also:
What is the Audience page?
How to collect emails
Exporting & filtering contacts

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