How do I add an Audience Tag once my link is live?

🏷️You can add a tag at any stage!

If you want to add tags to regroup your Mailing List audience, you can do this at any stage.

  1. Head to your Audience Page. The logo is on the left-side panel and is of three people.
  2. Scroll down to your Tags section.
  3. Click on the Create a tag button.
  4. Input your tag name and save it.
  5. Head back to your audience, select the relevant members and choose Add Tags from the bottom of the screen.
  6. Either type in your tag or select it from the drop-down menu.
How do I add an Audience Tag once my link is live? GIF showing how to add a tag.

See also:
How to edit/delete an Audience Tag
What data is collected through Audience Tags?
What is the Audience page?

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