Help! My release hasn’t been automatically located on stores when making a Fan Link!
😬 Uh Oh! Your links aren’t appearing when inputting your release URL, ISRC or UPC? Don’t worry! You can still create a Fan Link.
First, it’s important to check your release is live within stores. If your release hasn’t yet gone live, you won’t be able to create a Fan Link. Instead, you’ll need to create a Pre-save.
Once your music is in stores, you will need to ask your distributor for a streaming store URL. Or, you can input your UPC/ISRC. If you input either of these and our auto-lookup tool brings back no results – you can input your own!
Take the links your distributor has provided you with and add them into your Fan Link. This can be done within the Add Links section of the Fan Link building process.
See also:
What are Smart Links?
What URLs can I add to my link?
What is our auto-lookup tool in Fan Links?