Cancelling your subscription
⬇ If you’re looking to downgrade your account, you’re in luck!
It’s easy to do. Firstly, log in to your PUSH account. Then, head to your profile picture in the top right-hand corner. Click on the drop-down menu and select Manage Account.
Then, head to Subscriptions. Where you see your payment plan, click Change Plan. You’ll then be shown your current plan and the free plan, and what they both offer.
At the top, you will see the date your account will be set to downgrade. This is in line with your previous payment date. Choose to downgrade to the free plan. Then, you’ll see a pop-up box for you to confirm your choice.
Your account will downgrade from the date shown to you. It will be from the date your next payment was due to be taken. Please consider this when downgrading. If you have just paid for another month, we cannot refund this.
✨ If you’re paying for premium with PayPal, you can also cancel your reoccurring subscription in PayPal. Your PUSH account will downgrade on your next billing date.
Downgrading your account will mean all the Premium features will come to an end. Consider this as if you have any Competitions running, they will stop. Likewise, your Custom Backgrounds, and Facebook Pixels won’t be active any longer.
Once your account has downgraded, you will have 1GB of storage rather than 50GB. This will all come into effect on the day your account switches to the free plan.

See also:
Free vs Premium
What is premium?
Downgrading your PUSH premium account